Prvo naselje na grebenu između Save i
Dunava podigli su Kelti u III veku p.n.e. Tri veka kasnije, Rimljani mu daju ime Singidunum.
Bio je na meti mnogih naroda: Gota, Huna, Sarmata, Gepida, Herula, Avara, Slovena. U
želji da osigura svoje granice, Vizantija ga je opasala jakim zidinama. Osvajaju ga
Bugari, Mađari, Makedonci, Turci, Austrijanci i Nemci.
1941. godine bombardovali su ga avioni nemačkog Rajha.
1944. godine bombardovale su ga snage savezničkih zemalja Velike Britanije i SAD.
1999. godine bombardovali su ga avioni 19 članica NATO pakta.
Na fotografiji se vidi dejstvo protiv-vazdušne odbrane prilikom napada NATO avijacije,
aprila 1999. godine. Snimio Andrija Ilić.
The first settlement on the
reef between the Sava river and Danube was established by the Celts in the third century
BC. Three centuries later the Romans named it Singidunum. It was a target of many
nations: the Goths, Huns, Samatians, Slavs. In its wish to secure its border Bysantium
built strong walls. It was conquered by the Bulgarians, Hungarians, Macedonians, Turks,
Austrians and Germans.
In 1941 it was bombed by the planes of the German Reich.
In 1944 it was bombed by the planes of the Allies, namely Great Britain and the USA.
In 1999 it was bombed by the planes of nineteen NATO members.
The photograph shows the activity if the air defence system during the NATO air raid in
April 1999. Photography by Andrija Ilić.
Dimenzije / Dimension : 20.5cm x 14.5cm
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