Podignut je 1965. godine. Projektovali su
ga arhitekte Uglješa Bogunović i Slobodan Janjić, a projektant konstrukcije bio je
inženjer Milan Krstić. Toranj je ukupno bio visok 202,87 m. Bio je jedini toranj na
svetu sa presekom u obliku ravnostrnog trougla, sa pojačanim uglovima kružnog preseka.
Tri noge tornja zglobno su bile oslonjene na temeljne blokove koji su 1,4 m bili ukopani u
stenu. Sa njegove terase pružao se izvanredan pogled na Šumadiju.
Postao je jedan od simbola Beograda a svima nam je danas brdo Avala teško prepoznatljivo
bez siluete na koju smo navikli. Snimio
Branislav Strugar.
Avioni NATO pakta bombardovali su ga 29. aprila 1999, u 22.40č. Snimio Velimir
It was built in 1965. It
was designed by architects Uglješa Bogunović and Slobodan Janjić and the project of the
structure was done by engineer Milan Krstić. The total height of the tower was 202.87m.
It was the only tower in the world with the section in the form of equilateral triangle,
with the reeinforced angles of the spherical section. The three poles of the tower were
jointly leaning on the foundation blocks which were 1.4 m buried into the rock. There used
to be an exceptional view of Šumadija.
It becomes one of the symbols of Belgrade and today the hill of Avala is hardly
recognizable without the silhouette that we were used to. Photography by Branislav
The NATO planes bombed it on 29th April, 1999, at 10.40 PM. Photography by Velimir
Dimenzije / Dimension : 14.5cm x 20.5cm
Izdavačko preduzeće STUDIO STRUGAR,
Beograd, Majke Jevrosime 14a, tel/fax 32 46 924
e-mail: vlatka@eunet.yu,